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Frequently Asked Questions for New Tarpons:

Q: Will you teach my child to swim?

A: Our coaches will help you improve your strokes and your speed, but you do need to be able to swim before joining a swim team. Minimum swim requirements vary by age, and are listed in the Tarpons Important Information page.  For basic swim instruction, there are several swim schools available locally, including Sugar Land Swim School, Swim Labs, Houston Swim Club, and others.

Q: When are practices? What if my child has a schedule conflict with practice times?

A: Practices are on weekday afternoons/evenings on school days, and move to weekdays in the morning during the summer; the schedule by age group is on the website under the Schedules tab. Everybody has occasional schedule conflicts, but the more practices you can attend, the better swimmer and teammate you will be. If you have a standing conflict with the majority of practice times, discuss your situation with the team president and/or coach before signing up.

Q: When are the meets, and how long are they?

A: Meets are on Monday evenings, starting June 3.  Swimmer check-in is at 3:45 PM for home meets and 4:15 PM for away meets.  The length of a swim meet varies depending on the number of swimmers on each team, weather delays, and other variables, but 5-6 hours is typical for a full dual meet.  Our youngest swimmers are done earlier, as their races only extend through Event 42, but our second-half volunteers stay on until Event 70 ends.

Q: What equipment will I need to have?

A: To start, you will need goggles, a swimsuit suitable for athletics (one piece, stays in place as you move/dive), and a swim cap is recommended to keep your hair out of your way. For meets, you will want the Tarpons team suit.  We are working on finding a supplier now.  You can order a personalized team cap through in our Merchandise. Other equipment that most people use: swim towels, flip-flops, a water bottle to stay hydrated, and a folding chair for meets.

Q: I see that you have a volunteer requirement, but I work weekdays. What can I do?

A: Most of our parents have the same challenge, so don’t feel that you are alone! Regular-season meets are held on Monday evenings. For a 5:00 meet, typical check-in for those working the 2nd half of the meet is at 6:15 or 6:30, 1st half check-in is at 4:30; age group parents are earlier (refer to the meet information email for each meet for the schedule specific to the meet). Some popular options for working parents including signing up for all second-half positions to arrive later, or working both halves of some meets to minimize the number of days that you have to arrive early.

Q: I don’t know much about swimming. How will I know how to work at a swim meet?

A: We will have training sessions in May for meet positions that require training (stroke judge) and those that have multiple steps (age group parent and ready bench). Even if you aren’t sure whether you will work in those positions, the training is helpful to know how a swim meet works and what is expected during the meets. You can practice for other positions, like timer and scribe, while helping with our time trials in May.

Q: Is the pool cold?

A: Not usually. If we have a May cold snap, the Club pool has a heater. If the air temperature is cool, you may want to bring two towels, so you will have a dry one to wrap up in after practice.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for all Tarpons:

Q: What happens when it rains?

A: If it’s just raining, we swim. If it’s thundering or lightning, we stay out of the pool until after it stops. We use the SwimTopia app for real time updates; we also post updates on Facebook/Twitter when possible. If your older swimmer bikes or walks to practice, please be sure that you have a plan for a prompt and safe way home if practice is canceled due to lightning. 

Q: How do I tell you that my swimmer is going to miss a meet?

A: Step-by-step instructions, click here

Q: What time should I come to the meet?

A: See the Tarpon Tales email about this week's meet for times and specifics (also available on our News page).  Age Group Parents have to arrive earliest, then swimmers, then 1st-half volunteers, and so on.  Please be on time!

Q: Can I ask you a question about working at a meet?

A: Sure!  Our volunteer coordinators can answer all your questions.

Q: What should I pack for a meet? Where should I sit? What is my swimmer going to eat for dinner? Can I leave if it starts raining?

A: Those answers and more are on the Meet Day page.

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2018 Meet of Champions 1st place for 11 & UP



2023 Meet of Champions 1st PLACE 10&U and 11&UP

2024 Division 1

New Territory Tarpons * Sugar Land Sharks * First Colony Gators * Covington Woods Stingrays * Maplewood Marlins

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